Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
Allahumma Swalli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa ala Aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Sallim
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “The Jews split into 71 groups; 1 group will enter Paradise and 70 will enter Hell. The Christians split into 72 groups; 1 group will enter Paradise and 71 will enter Hell. By Him in Whose Power is the life of Muhammad, without doubt, my Ummah will be divided into 73 groups. Only one will enter Paradise and 72 will enter Hell.”
When asked about which group will be on the right path, the Beloved Messenger of Allah replied, “The main body (Jamaat) of the Muslims.”
[Ibn Majah’s Kitab al-Fitan; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s Signs before Day of Judgment, page 14]
The Main Body of Muslims are Shafi/Hanafi/Maliki/Hanbali/Asha'ri/Mathuridi followers.
The PDF Book explains the different sects in Islam.
Not Wahhabi/Salafi/Shia/qadiyani! Make your own research and find. I am not asking you to accept me all I say without checking for truth!
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “There was disagreement amongst Jews and they split into 72 groups. In exactly the same way, there will be disagreement and divisions in my Ummah. It will split into 73 groups. Except for one of these groups, all the remaining will be thrown into Hell.”
When asked about which group will be on the right path, the Beloved Messenger of Allah replied, “The group on the right path, which will enter Paradise, will be the group which follows my Sunnah and this will be the largest group of Muslims.”[Tirmidhi; Imam Ahmad; Abu Dawud; Mishkat]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “Without doubt, my Ummah will never be gathered in misguidance. Whenever you see disagreement, hold fast to the greater majority.”
[Ibn Majah]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “”Follow the way of the largest group of Muslims! For he who deviates from this group will be thrown into Hell!”
[Ibne Majah]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “The devil continually pursues human as a wolf pursues sheep. The wolf only dares to attack those sheep which have separated from the rest of the flock and are standing alone. And so, my followers and my devotees! Save yourselves from being caught in the traps of misguidance and firmly remain with the largest and most well-known group of Muslims!”
[Imam Ahmad]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “Allah will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance and incorrect beliefs. Allah’s mercy, blessings and protection are with the largest group of Muslims. And he who deviates from the largest group of Muslims will be thrown into Hell.”
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “He who deviates himself from the largest group of Muslims, even as much as a hand span, has himself cut off his connection with Islam.”
[Abu Dawud; Imam Ahmed]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “The Jews divided into 71 sects, 1 will enter Paradise and 70 will enter Hell. The Christians were divided into 72 sects. By the One whose Hand my soul is in, my Ummah will be divided into 73 sects, 72 of which will enter Hell.”
The Companions asked, “Which is the saved sect?” The Holy Prophet replied, “al-Jamaah.”
[Ibn Majah’s Kitaab Al Fitan, Hadith no. 3982]
Sahih Muslim Book 020, Hadith Number 4553. (Salafi Publication's Darussalam, about Sahih Al Muslim, they acknowledge that all the hadith in Sahih Al Muslim are authentic)
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, “People used to ask the Prophet, peace be upon him, about good things, but I used to ask him about bad things because I was afraid that they might overtake me. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, we were lost in ignorance (jahiliyyah) and evil, then Allah brought this good (i.e. Islam). Will some evil come after this good thing?’ He said, ‘Yes’ I asked, ‘And will some good come after that evil?’ He said, ‘Yes, but it will be tainted with some evil’ I asked, ‘How will it be tainted?’ He said, ‘There will be some people who will lead others on a path different from mine. You will see good and bad in them.’ I asked, ‘Will some evil come after that good?’ He said, ‘Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of Hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, describe them for us.’ He said, ‘They will be from our own people, and will speak our language *(which means they are no Iraqi Arabs or Egyptian Arabs or Syrian Arabs!).’ I asked, ‘What do you advise me to do if I should live to see that?’ He said, ‘Stick to the main body (jama’ah) of the Muslims and their leader (imam).’ I asked, What if there is no main body and no leader?’(Hudayfa R.A inspired question came true, when the Caliphate of Hanafi Sufi Ottomans abolished in 1920s) He said, ‘Isolate yourself from all of these sects, even if you have to eat the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in that state.’ “
In this video, we can hear the voice of devil that is preached against Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) Islam and Muslims:
1- Mufti Menk Saying, Muslims worship the slaves of Allah, creating confusion (Satan confuse) in the heart of Muslim. Menk sayings respecting someone in excess is an act of shirk!,
We are Sorry for such Jahil Muftis!. May Allah guide this kind of ones, so that they may bring those back to Islam who are misguided by him.
In the above Hadiths we mentioned the hadiths which Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam, saying to follow the main body/greater majority or largest group of Muslims and their Imams.
It is strange that Salafis of today do not follow that Imams and their creed, but have their own 21 st century misguided Imams and Shaykhs.
I saw recently in youtube they they have their own scholars titled as (false) Imams!, like (Imam) Siraj Wahhaj etc!, like Imam Albani, who are this Imams?, whom they are fooling?
One side they reject Imams of Salafs (Imam Shafi, Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Malik and so on) but another side they have invented false Imams of 21st century and following their teachings!
On the authority of Tamim Al-Dari that the prophet said:
"Religion is sincerity". We said: "To whom?" He said: "To Allah and His Book, and His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk".
narrated by Muslim (Imam Nawawi 40 Hadith)
So we see in this hadith, that we must be sincerely loving,respecting and following the leaders of the Muslims (the caliphs, Awliya Allah and Ahlul Bayt)
But Salafi Mufti, Menk says, respecting someone excessively is an act of shirk (see in the above video 7-8 min)
A question to Mufti Menk (false muffti):
When Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be up on him) saw Angel Gabriel (A.S) with utmost respect and fear, he used to get fever and shakes in his body.
Was PROPHET's Fear and extreme respect for Jibreel (A.S) an act of shirk?
The Mufti claims he has the knowledge of the heart. Because an act to be called as "Worship" , the person who does an act must have intention (niyyah) that he is doing that act as an act of worship!
For example, I was walking though a town in India, something valuable fell from my hand. There was a temple in the road side, and my valuable (a gold/diamond gift) dropped near the temple, I had to bow there to find it near the temple. A Mufti like Menk will judge me that I am worhsiping the idol in the temple.
Muslims do not worship anyone other than ALLAH. It is a foolish things to say Muslims worship other than ALLAH!
This is the weapon Satan's party (Wahhabis) used to attack Muslims and deceive our religion!. Accusing shirk on Ummah!
So Mufti is taking a law from outside Islam to judge Muslims as Mushrik and Kafir!
We can see in a Hadith, the parable of this Mufti Menk:
The Prophet (SAW) said: "What I fear most for you, is a man who reads the Qur'an until such time when the blessing of Qur'an is reflected on him and he takes Islam as his Cloak ... he then turns around and strips himself off from Islam and then tosses it away behind his back, then he heads quickly towards his neighbour with his sword unsheathed and he calls him a 'Mushrik'"
I said: "O, Prophet of Allah! Who is more worthy of being called a Mushrik the one being attacked or the attacker". Prophet replied, "It is indeed the attacker." (Hadith narrated by "Abu-Yaa'li" on the authority of "Huzaifah)
So Which religion Mufti Monk follow?, Certainly it is not true Islam.
in islam act of worship are mainly five pillars of Islam, that is obligatory. The Most obligatory is Tawheed (Shahadatha an la ila ha illa Allah) and then prayers (Wa Aqeemi Salatha),
Anything excess you do this two matter is considered as voluntary worship. Like you can say "la ilaha illa Allah" as much time you want, you can pray sunnah salah as much as you want.
So if a Muslims add something into la ilaha illa allah, then it is shirk and kufr, if a Muslim make salah/prayer to someone it is shirk!.
Dua (Supplication) of Muslims even in the tombs and graves are begin with "Allahumma" -Oh Allah", so it cannot be called as shirk/kufr. If someone else do something else then it is his ignorance.
Believers give salawat/salams to Prophets,pious/believers during visiting their grave.
Give salawat/salam is not shirk!, it is in Quran Allah command all believers to give salawat and salams to Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam.
We see that this Mufti Menk is misleading people. Why you mixing truth with false hood?
Kissing hands and feet is not an act of worship. Ask Mufti to read Al Adab Al Mufrad.
Probably Mufti have misunderstood Muslims kissing hands and feet of pious person as doing ruku and sajada!
When someone making prostration on a nice prayer mat, does that mean that he is worshiping to prayer mat?,that is the beliefs of this mufti.
When Muslims pray behind Imam, does that mean Muslims worshiping the Imam who stand in the front?
When Muslims do tawah at Kaba, does that mean Muslims worshiping kaba or Allah is sitting inside kaba?
Wake up jahil muftis!
According to Islamic Shari'ah , as Islamic shari'ah and Islamic act of worship is only true worship and therefore if a Muslim done an act to someone else that resembles Islamic worship, he must be asked about it.
An act is considered as worship , when the act includes intentions (niyyah) of worship and certain recitations of worship.
Someone merely bowing down near his camel does not give you right to call he is worshiping camel!, he might be cleaning camel or milking!
he if make intention that he is worshiping camel and reciting certain prayer before the camel then only muftis can rule that he has worshiped camel!
If you want to safeguard your religion, then boycott this kind of false Muftis!
The Prophets and Their Family are not Ordinary, the above Hadith (in photo) and the Quran verse pointing out this:
QURAN3:33 Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds -
Some questions to Mufti Menk:
Waseela in Quran:
Quran 17:80 Say: "O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."
Quran 5:35 O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive with might and main in his cause: that ye may prosper.
Quran 1:7 The way ("means of those" Quran3:35) of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
Waseela in Hadith:
Hadith jami at-Tirmidi ,Darussalam Publications (Wahhabi publications)
-Hadith Number 3788: The Messenger of Allah (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: "Indeed, I am leaving among you, that which if you hold fast to them, you shall not be misguided after me, one of them is greater than the other:The Book of Allah is a rope extended from the sky to the earth, and my family -the people of my house-and they shall not split until they meet me at Hawd, so look at how you deal with them after me" (Sahih)
The explanation of this hadith can be read at:
http:// m/2013/09/ explaining-quran-verse-17-p ath-of-those.html
So Mufti Menk, instead of fooling people, find the righteous Imams and leaders of the Muslims and follow their aqeedha and their ways. Keep their company, keep the company of the righteous and pious Imams of the greater group of Musims.
Did Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam claim direct link with Allah?, Was Allah directly or through Jibreel (A.S) coming to Hira cave to make connection with Prophet (S.a.w)?
Was Allah directly or Jibreel (A.S) giving revelation to Prophet (A.S)?
So why Mufti Menk lying to people that he and other can have direct connection to Allah?
Even the pious Muslims do not have direct connection with Allah: “Yaa Ayyatuhan Nafsul Mutma-inah, Irji’ee iLa Rabbiki Raadhiyatam Mardhiyyah, Fadhkhulee Fee Ibaadee Wadhkhulee Jannatee” (Al-Fajr 89:27-30)
[To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],And enter among My [righteous] servants And enter My Paradise."
So here who are the Servants Allah asking a believer to enter in?
It is the Imams of every nation. The Imams are Prophets and their deputies. In this Nation.
So It is obvious that Mufti menk giving false promises to people that they can make direct relationship with Allah!
On the other hand, you can make one way relationship with Allah, that you can claim you are connected to Allah and in direct contact!, unless someone ask you to get some information from Allah directly!
So even greatest Prophets were not under direct contact with Allah!
Musa alaihissalam, was asked by Allah to follow Hidr alaihissalam!. Why?. When Musa (A.S) is a Prophet of Allah, Allah asking Musa (A.S) to follow Hidr (A.S) to learn spiritual wisdom. Why?, Was Allah unable to teach Musa (A.S) that knowledge directly? or through angel Gabriel (A.S)?.
Take wisdom and stay away from false Muftis!.
So Mufti Menk claiming what other Prophets and Saints (Awliya Allah) did not claim!. Mufti Menk resembles the predicted 30 liars (impostors)!
Narrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established
(1) till two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine,
(2) till about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah's Apostle,
Have not you realize Mufti Menk is claiming to be Prophet, by saying he has direct connection with Allah?
So be with the main jamath of Muslims:
Sahih Al Bukhari: Volume 9, Book 88, Number 177:
Volume 9, Book 88, Number 206:
The Imams of the main body of Muslims were Madhab following Muslims. The 700 years old otman Caliphate was of Hanafi-Sufi Muslims, also Abbasid.
The rulers of Muslims (Khilafa) were Never Salafis/Wahhabis/Shia!, As the Hadith continuing...there was no muslim Imams, since 1920s when the Caliphate was abolished from Haramain Sharifain by Zionist-Wahhabi movements!
So Mufti Menk as a follower of Wahhabism, in fact deceiving Muslims, if the Hadith in Bukhari, and Saheeh Muslim Sahih Muslim Book 020, Hadith Number 4553. (reported by Hudayfa R.A) is not about Wahhabis, then I challenge you to prove it!
Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
And says to the audience , oh you have best examples that are in the life of Prophet and you must follow it!
Ok, Mufti ,We love to follow Prophet (S.a.W), but what about you. Why you preaching that you are not following in your life?
You are wearing a Jewish scarf, which Arab Jews used to wear in the early period of Islam!. Where is your Islamic turban worn on hat?
Have you ever practice or preached to practice such Sunnah?, Do you have an Imam?, So you make Baya? (oath of allegiance)?
Doesn't Prophet say: to follow my ahlul bayt?, doesn't Prophet say to keep the company of the friends of Allah? of the pious and righteous?
Doesn't Allah say: It is against Allah to speak what you do not do?
Quran 61:2-3 O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not? Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not
MUFTI's Lies (According the Hadith, the scholars who are liars are Dajjals)
In 1:7 :53 of the video, Mufti Menk says: it is a lie that Jibreel allaihissalam came to the mother of Prophet (s.a.w) and said the good news of her son. and Mufti continue that except wahhabis, other Muslims worship Prophet!
Mufti claims only Prophets had contact with angles now!
Lets see from Quran itself,
Didn't Jibreel (A.S) had communication with Haret Maryam (R.A) Mother of Nabi Isa alaihissalam?
Didn't Allah inspired mother of Musa alaihissalam to throw Nabi Musa (A.S) in Nile river?
Didn't Allah Inspired the relatives of Prophet (s.a.w) to give him the name Muhammad?
Who Gave Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) that name after his birth?, Prophet's name is a pre-Islamic name?, which is used by ALLAH in Quran?
Have you ever seen any scholars of ahlu sunnah saying or doing worship of Prophets?
Mufti lying to defend his Wahhabi religion!
So the above examples from Quran (Mother of Jesus and Mother of Musa -Peace be up on them all) shows,Mufti Menk is a liar (A Dajjal of this Ummah)!
Insha Allah we will have another post, but look at Wahhabis of mixed ideologies!, they made Mawlid shirk and haram for Muslims!
On the other side, In Comparative religious lectures, Zakir Naik is reciting the Mawlid Nabi from Hindu, Christian, Farsi and Budhist scriptures!
When Muslims write Mawlid Sharif and celebrate it's recitation, it is haram and bid'ah!
But when Zakir Naik do it in English and Sanskrit (from Hindu Scriptures) it is a good innovation!
And Wahhabi, the modern super-technology salafi saying all the past methods of preaching was shirk and bid'ah!
Double standard and double face is signs of Hypocrites (Munafiqs)!
Mawlid Nabi was celebrated and recited to preach Islam in a poetic way, in the times when there was no electronic media!
It was one of the various methods people were taught about life of our Prophet (s.a.w) and other pious ones.
Because books and printing became common in very recent times. In old times, people were taught various knowledge like a poem or like a story!
So Mufti Menk says, When we follow Prophet, we should not express the love through a poem/Naat/Nasheed/Mawlid (feast with food and prayers/dua or readings of the history of Prophet's life)
But we must only follow what is Sunnah!, Isn't Muslims having an Imam as their leader is not Sunnah?, isn't wearing turban is sunnah?
Mufti Menk wear Arab Jews scarf!,a cloth that came to Islam from Arab pagans and Jews, after they accept Islam, a cultural practice they took into Islam!
Also tell the name of the shaykh who say Minaret and other things made prostration! Why are you afraid of telling the whole story Mr Menk?
In the video 1:13:10 Mufti Menk got a Problem with Roza Sharif-The Dome of Prophet S.A.W
Menk, I can't believe a scholar can lose wisdom as much as you do!
Why are you saying turks build the Green Dome? Why are you afraid to say Ottomans built the green dome over the grave of Prophet (S.a.w)?
Are you ashamed to say: The Khalifa of Muslims built the Tomb of Prophet (s.a.w)?, are you afraid to say Ottoman Sultans of Muslims built the tomb?
Sahih Al Bukhari , book 89:
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me."
Square heads like Mufti has to hide the truth and correct words that Muslim Khalifa built tomb!, because it shows you are on the side of Dajjal!
Stick to the Main body of Muslims and their ruler (Imam)- read the hadiths given above!
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet said, "If somebody sees his Muslim ruler doing something he disapproves of, he should be patient, for whoever becomes separate from the Muslim group even for a span and then dies, he will die as those who died in the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance (as rebellious sinners). (See Hadith No. 176 and 177)
So if Mufti MENK thinks the Khalifas of Islam were Mushriks and promoting Shirk in Islam, then Mufti you must find your place among the Kharijite (Rebellious sinners) who oppose and spread Fitnah against the Khalifas of Islam!
The Islamic Caliphate was destroyed followed by the invasion and revolt of the people who follow the same aqeedha of Mufti Menk!
In the Video: 1:13:40 onwards Mufti saying: How can we be different when it come to Aqeedha (Belief)?
yes, Mufti, thats what we are saying to you, how can you deviate from the Aqeedha and Jamath of main body of Muslims and their Imams?
How can you deviate from the beliefs of Hanafi-Sufi ottomans,who carried the glory and khilafat of Islam for 700 years?
Even the Sahabi Hudayfa Ibn Al Yaman (R.A) was ordered by Prophet to follow the Imams of the Muslims, if he lives that long, reach hadith in Sahih Al Muslim!
Narrated Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman:
The people used to ask Allah's Apostle about the good but I used to ask him about the evil lest I should be overtaken by them. So I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We were living in ignorance and in an (extremely) worst atmosphere, then Allah brought to us this good (i.e., Islam); will there be any evil after this good?" He said, "Yes." I said, 'Will there be any good after that evil?" He replied, "Yes, but it will be tainted (not pure.)'' I asked, "What will be its taint?" He replied, "(There will be) some people who will guide others not according to my tradition? You will approve of some of their deeds and disapprove of some others." I asked, "Will there be any evil after that good?" He replied, "Yes, (there will be) some people calling at the gates of the (Hell) Fire, and whoever will respond to their call, will be thrown by them into the (Hell) Fire." I said, "O Allah s Apostle! Will you describe them to us?" He said, "They will be from our own people and will speak our language." I said, "What do you order me to do if such a state should take place in my life?" He said, "Stick to the group of Muslims and their Imam (ruler)." I said, "If there is neither a group of Muslims nor an Imam (ruler)?" He said, "Then turn away from all those sects even if you were to bite (eat) the roots of a tree till death overtakes you while you are in that state."
You are 21st Century Salafi saying, We do not follow the ways of the Ottomans-Hanfi-Sufis!
We follow Prophet and even ALLAH directly!
But Prophet (S.a.W) saying to his own companion, to follow the Imams of the Muslims, if his life extended to that periods!
So, if Hudayfah (R.A) lived past 800 years, you must be seeing him as Ottoman Hanafi.
Wake up Muslims!, don't get fooled by liars (the scholars who are Dajjals in this nation)!
So Mufti MENK , go and learn about Ottomans, what was their beliefs (Aqeeda) , and remember Mufti Menk, never you succeed with your deviant beliefs and sects!. Allah's Mercy, Blessings and Protections are with the Largest Group Of Muslims and their Imams, since the Muslims as largest group ended by the end of Ottomans (in 1924), today those who hold to the Beliefs and Path of Ottomans, they are on the right Path. "Stick to the Main body of Muslims and their Imams"
In this days, with expansions of the knowledge and sources, a Muslim can still learn and stick to the ways of Ottomans (the last main body of Muslims).
So Wake up Muslims, don't get fooled by false leaders and deviant scholars!
Mr MENK, you said calling Prophet as Sayyiduna is not used by Sahaba, who have utmost respect for Prophet (S.a.W)!
And you said examples of their obedience to Rasool Allah (alaihiswalathu wa salam)
Mr Menk, why you are a lair (Dajjal)? Because Prophet (S.a.W) has said, the scholars who are liars in my nation are Dajjals (Imposters):
Abu Bakrah (radiAllaahu anhu) narrated:
I heard the Prophet (sallallahu alayh wa sallam) while giving an address on the minbar while Al-Hasan (radiAllaahu anhu) was by his side, He (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) would glance at the people and then at Al-Hasan, and say, “This son of mine is a Sayyid (chief) and perhaps Allaah will bring about an agreement between two group of the Muslims through him.”
[Sahih Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 823]
Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam called "Imam Hassan(A.S) as a Sayyid.
So If Imam Hassan-The Grand Son of Prophet is called as Sayyid, then the Grand Father Must be a Greater Sayyid.
We see Prophet (s.a.w) by calling Imam Hassan (a.s) as Sayyid, making it permissible to call Prophet (s.a.w) and His Progeny with the title : Sayyid/Sayyidee/Ya Sayyidee/Sayyiduna etc
Isn't so? , So If Prophet called his grand son as a Sayyid for others to know him as a Sayyid, then what is wrong Muslims calling Prophet (S.a.W) with the title Sayyid?
Mufti Menk Wake up man, leave all this false titles and names of Mufi, mafti, Kifti etc!
I am addressing you directly, if you want you can meet me in England, stop deceiving Muslims!
Mufti Menk, what happened to you, why you misleading people around the world?
A TRUTH MUFTI MENK SAID: That you cannot call yourself as SalafiAfter than Mufti Menk continue to praise Sahaba and said: "for that reason we are not sahaba (in the video 1:24.00 onwards)
So if you are not in the state of Sahaba, then in what reason and legitimacy you are calling yourself as "Salafi"?
When you make excuse to have a usury dealing bank, a credit card/debit card/ etc?
1.31:18 1.31:57 Hadees on Ilm from China, Prophet didnt know Chinese (laugh from audience) and emphasising further this with the example of Kuala lampur
This what Dajjals do!, they make fun and joke at Hadith of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam.
yes, Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: Seek Knowledge, even if it is to go to China to seek knowledge"
Mufti Menk and his followers (A Dajjal and his followers) laughing at this Hadith of Seeking Knowledge from China!
Is Ilm is only in Arabia?, then why Menk and his followers going to the University in Kualalumpur and University in Egypt Al Azhar?, or Why Some Salafis Muftis doing their Islamic Theology Masters in Cambridge, Exeter, Columbia and Oxford?
Don't you see Prophet's prediction and advise came true?, that Islamic knowledge will be spread all over the world, while Arabs will fall into deception and afftlictions, the knowledge of Islam will be kept safe in another land!.
Where was Imam Bukhari from?, Uzebkistan or Najd?, Where was great Scholars of Salafis from?, i.e Imam Abu Hanifa? Where did Imam Shafi lived?
Isn't there so many graves of Sahaba in India and China?
Look at our state Kerala South India, the knowledge of Islam reach there from the time of Sahaba itself!
Moreover , it is not only the knowledge of religion Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam wanted Muslims to learn, Muslims has to learn knowledge that make him strong, independent, innovative in medicine and science.
It is Muslims who spread the knowledge from east to west during the middle ages!
This kind of MENKY Muftis living in biggest Jahiliya, somewhat like Chimbanzis do!
Look at their laughing!, they laughing at Prophet's words! and claiming they love and respect Prophet (S.a.w) in the beginning of this video,
Muslims brought knowledge of the east into Arabia, from there they took into the center of Islam in the West,Spain,Cordoba, which paved the way for end of Darkness!
Mufti Menk still cannot understand the Hadith's realistic proof in today's world.
The foolish Mufti saying: prophet did not know Chinese people at that time!. Prophet know heavens and all earth and Allah, but did not know the world?
Wa ma Arsalnaka illa Rahmatan lil alameen- We have not sent you, but as a Mercy to the whole Creations.
Islam reached in China in the time of Sahaba and Tabieen.
So Mafti Menk , didn't china include in the Quran verse : "Mercy to whole world"?
That you saying: Prophet did not know china, so if Prophet is Rahmatan lil Aalameen" Mercy to the whole world, then china and it's people must be outside of his Mercy, as he did not know china!?
Mufti Mufti Ismail Menk : "Prophet (s.a.w) did not Know China"
Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) Said:
It was narrated from Thawban that the Prophet of Allah (swalla allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Allah, Exalted is He, drew the ends of the earth for me to see, and I saw it's eastern and western lands. And I have been given two treasures, the read and the white"-then he mentioned a hadith like that of Ayyub from Abu Qailabah (no 7528)
Hadith Number 7259, Sahih Al MUslim Vol 7, Darussalam Publications (Salafi Wahhabi Publications).
But from the true history of Islam, we see that Islam and It's Mercy reached all the way in China!
If Mufti Menk believe Islam will prevail all over the world including China, Muhammad Nabi alaihiswalathu wa salam will intercede for Chinese people also on the day of Judgement. and Angel Jibreel (A.S) will inform Prophet when a Chinese give him Salam and salawat!, then mufti Menk, I warn you now, leave your fake dress of Mufti and repent and come to us Ottoman Naqshbandis and learn Islam and truth.
Mufti Menk continues to say about Kualalumpur in this video: he is taking example and saying: if I reach the same Hadith and say: Seek Knowledge, even if it is to go to KL" so on!
So he is making Prophet's explanation a silly matter!
Do Prophet (s.a.w) speak his own desire to give examples for people?
Mufti says yes, so Prophet did not know China!, but Prophets speak without knowledge?
Absolutely know, Allah inspire Prophet to speak with full knowledge and understanding of what is spoken!
Because our religion is not a religion of confusion and deception!
Quran Sura Najm: 53:4 Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.
53:4 It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:
53:5 He was taught by one Mighty in Power,
53:6 endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form);
Quran says Prophet (s.a.w)was taught and inspired by Jibreel (A.S) with full wisdom and he do not speak his own desires!
Now Mufti Menk must say: Jibreel (a.s) did not know China?
The Prophet (s.a.w) who spoke about Israel, fighting of Armageddon, and 1000s of other wisdom did not know China?
Mufti Menk, Wake up
Volume 9, Book 92, Number 378:Sahih Al Bukhari
It will be Imam Mahdi (A.S) the Grand son of Prophet who will have all those keys in his hand in his arrival. So Mufti Menk follow the ways of the Imams of ahlul bayt and Awliya allah. so you may be saved!
The Prophet (s,a,w) was given the Keys of the treasures, Dreams are part of Prophetic authority. So Prophet's key does not include China? Mr MENK? .
Sahih Al Bukhari:
Volume 9, Book 92, Number 386:
Quran 1:7 The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
They are Awliya Allah and Ahlul Bayt:
Hadith jami at-Tirmidi ,Darussalam Publications (Wahhabi publications)
-Hadith Number 3788: The Messenger of Allah (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: "Indeed, I am leaving among you, that which if you hold fast to them, you shall not be misguided after me, one of them is greater than the other:The Book of Allah is a rope extended from the sky to the earth, and my family -the people of my house-and they shall not split until they meet me at Hawd, so look at how you deal with them after me" (Sahih)
The explanation of this hadith can be read at:
http:// m/2013/09/ explaining-quran-verse-17-p ath-of-those.htm
Wahhabis, Mufti Menk, Even if you stand in your whole life and praise the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) from the beginning of the world to the End of Times, or from pre-Eternity to Post-Eternity, that will not lead you to shirk!
Because the Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam was praised by ALLAH Subhana Wa Ta'ala Himself!
As long as a creation cannot overcome the Creator in an act or praising someone, that does not make you Mushrik!, or we say, you can't overcome those angles who praise the Prophet of Allah (S.a.W)!
When this kind of Dajjal Muftis are taken away by Angel of Death, then Muslims will find guidance!
So, at the end of this note, we feel sad for Mr Menk and those who deceived by him and feel shame for those who invite this kind of impostors and false muftis to preach Islam in their so called Islamic Centers.
By disrespecting Prophet (s.a.w) and his words, Mufti Menk has become a role model for the enemies of Islam! The Enemies of Islam will say: "How can your Prophet be the Prophet for whole nations, when he does not no Chinese and Malayans? !
Mufti Menk, if you do not correct yourself, something is coming to you from heavens a wrath a punishment a retribution, or a revenge, or whatever we say in human language, so before it fall on your head, change yourself and change others who are mislead by you!
I am not Joking here, I am serious and I am furious, I am complaining about you to Allah for hurting me and paining me in regard to my Prophet and my beloved Grand Fathers of Ahlul Bayt!
The Warning and Caution is very serious on you, because you are wearing the dress of Islam (Mufti)!!! Either repent and come to us and change yourself and accept our path, or else accept whatever befall on you!
Do you know Why Muslims are in this conditions today?, it is because they turned away from Prophet his ahlul bayt and awliya Allah. They direspect and insult the three, Prophet, Ahlul Bayt and Awliya Allah!
Their leaders are worst in doing this malice!, That's why this nation falling in worst situations even though the number of Muslims increasing day by day!'Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "The Prophet said: 'If my Ummah bears fifteen traits, tribulation will befall it.' Someone asked, 'What are they, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor; when a trust becomes a means of making a profit; when paying Zakat becomes a burden; when a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly whilst shunning his father; when voices are raised in the mosques; when the leader of a people is the worst of them; when people treat a man with respect because they fear some evil he may do; when much wine is drunk; when men wear silk; when female singers and musical instruments become popular; when the last ones of this Ummah curse the first ones - then let them expect a red wind, or the earth to swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.' " [At-Tirmidhi]]
Note by: Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al-Hassani
Ottoman Naqshbandi Sufi Way
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Mufti Menk a deceiever of Muslim Ummah! |
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “The Jews split into 71 groups; 1 group will enter Paradise and 70 will enter Hell. The Christians split into 72 groups; 1 group will enter Paradise and 71 will enter Hell. By Him in Whose Power is the life of Muhammad, without doubt, my Ummah will be divided into 73 groups. Only one will enter Paradise and 72 will enter Hell.”
When asked about which group will be on the right path, the Beloved Messenger of Allah replied, “The main body (Jamaat) of the Muslims.”
[Ibn Majah’s Kitab al-Fitan; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s Signs before Day of Judgment, page 14]
The Main Body of Muslims are Shafi/Hanafi/Maliki/Hanbali/Asha'ri/Mathuridi followers.
The PDF Book explains the different sects in Islam.
Not Wahhabi/Salafi/Shia/qadiyani! Make your own research and find. I am not asking you to accept me all I say without checking for truth!
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “There was disagreement amongst Jews and they split into 72 groups. In exactly the same way, there will be disagreement and divisions in my Ummah. It will split into 73 groups. Except for one of these groups, all the remaining will be thrown into Hell.”
When asked about which group will be on the right path, the Beloved Messenger of Allah replied, “The group on the right path, which will enter Paradise, will be the group which follows my Sunnah and this will be the largest group of Muslims.”[Tirmidhi; Imam Ahmad; Abu Dawud; Mishkat]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “Without doubt, my Ummah will never be gathered in misguidance. Whenever you see disagreement, hold fast to the greater majority.”
[Ibn Majah]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “”Follow the way of the largest group of Muslims! For he who deviates from this group will be thrown into Hell!”
[Ibne Majah]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “The devil continually pursues human as a wolf pursues sheep. The wolf only dares to attack those sheep which have separated from the rest of the flock and are standing alone. And so, my followers and my devotees! Save yourselves from being caught in the traps of misguidance and firmly remain with the largest and most well-known group of Muslims!”
[Imam Ahmad]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “Allah will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance and incorrect beliefs. Allah’s mercy, blessings and protection are with the largest group of Muslims. And he who deviates from the largest group of Muslims will be thrown into Hell.”
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “He who deviates himself from the largest group of Muslims, even as much as a hand span, has himself cut off his connection with Islam.”
[Abu Dawud; Imam Ahmed]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “The Jews divided into 71 sects, 1 will enter Paradise and 70 will enter Hell. The Christians were divided into 72 sects. By the One whose Hand my soul is in, my Ummah will be divided into 73 sects, 72 of which will enter Hell.”
The Companions asked, “Which is the saved sect?” The Holy Prophet replied, “al-Jamaah.”
[Ibn Majah’s Kitaab Al Fitan, Hadith no. 3982]
Sahih Muslim Book 020, Hadith Number 4553. (Salafi Publication's Darussalam, about Sahih Al Muslim, they acknowledge that all the hadith in Sahih Al Muslim are authentic)
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, “People used to ask the Prophet, peace be upon him, about good things, but I used to ask him about bad things because I was afraid that they might overtake me. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, we were lost in ignorance (jahiliyyah) and evil, then Allah brought this good (i.e. Islam). Will some evil come after this good thing?’ He said, ‘Yes’ I asked, ‘And will some good come after that evil?’ He said, ‘Yes, but it will be tainted with some evil’ I asked, ‘How will it be tainted?’ He said, ‘There will be some people who will lead others on a path different from mine. You will see good and bad in them.’ I asked, ‘Will some evil come after that good?’ He said, ‘Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of Hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, describe them for us.’ He said, ‘They will be from our own people, and will speak our language *(which means they are no Iraqi Arabs or Egyptian Arabs or Syrian Arabs!).’ I asked, ‘What do you advise me to do if I should live to see that?’ He said, ‘Stick to the main body (jama’ah) of the Muslims and their leader (imam).’ I asked, What if there is no main body and no leader?’(Hudayfa R.A inspired question came true, when the Caliphate of Hanafi Sufi Ottomans abolished in 1920s) He said, ‘Isolate yourself from all of these sects, even if you have to eat the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in that state.’ “
In this video, we can hear the voice of devil that is preached against Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) Islam and Muslims:
1- Mufti Menk Saying, Muslims worship the slaves of Allah, creating confusion (Satan confuse) in the heart of Muslim. Menk sayings respecting someone in excess is an act of shirk!,
We are Sorry for such Jahil Muftis!. May Allah guide this kind of ones, so that they may bring those back to Islam who are misguided by him.
In the above Hadiths we mentioned the hadiths which Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam, saying to follow the main body/greater majority or largest group of Muslims and their Imams.
It is strange that Salafis of today do not follow that Imams and their creed, but have their own 21 st century misguided Imams and Shaykhs.
I saw recently in youtube they they have their own scholars titled as (false) Imams!, like (Imam) Siraj Wahhaj etc!, like Imam Albani, who are this Imams?, whom they are fooling?
One side they reject Imams of Salafs (Imam Shafi, Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Malik and so on) but another side they have invented false Imams of 21st century and following their teachings!
On the authority of Tamim Al-Dari that the prophet said:
"Religion is sincerity". We said: "To whom?" He said: "To Allah and His Book, and His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk".
narrated by Muslim (Imam Nawawi 40 Hadith)
So we see in this hadith, that we must be sincerely loving,respecting and following the leaders of the Muslims (the caliphs, Awliya Allah and Ahlul Bayt)
But Salafi Mufti, Menk says, respecting someone excessively is an act of shirk (see in the above video 7-8 min)
A question to Mufti Menk (false muffti):
When Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be up on him) saw Angel Gabriel (A.S) with utmost respect and fear, he used to get fever and shakes in his body.
Was PROPHET's Fear and extreme respect for Jibreel (A.S) an act of shirk?
The Mufti claims he has the knowledge of the heart. Because an act to be called as "Worship" , the person who does an act must have intention (niyyah) that he is doing that act as an act of worship!
For example, I was walking though a town in India, something valuable fell from my hand. There was a temple in the road side, and my valuable (a gold/diamond gift) dropped near the temple, I had to bow there to find it near the temple. A Mufti like Menk will judge me that I am worhsiping the idol in the temple.
Muslims do not worship anyone other than ALLAH. It is a foolish things to say Muslims worship other than ALLAH!
This is the weapon Satan's party (Wahhabis) used to attack Muslims and deceive our religion!. Accusing shirk on Ummah!
So Mufti is taking a law from outside Islam to judge Muslims as Mushrik and Kafir!
We can see in a Hadith, the parable of this Mufti Menk:
The Prophet (SAW) said: "What I fear most for you, is a man who reads the Qur'an until such time when the blessing of Qur'an is reflected on him and he takes Islam as his Cloak ... he then turns around and strips himself off from Islam and then tosses it away behind his back, then he heads quickly towards his neighbour with his sword unsheathed and he calls him a 'Mushrik'"
I said: "O, Prophet of Allah! Who is more worthy of being called a Mushrik the one being attacked or the attacker". Prophet replied, "It is indeed the attacker." (Hadith narrated by "Abu-Yaa'li" on the authority of "Huzaifah)
So Which religion Mufti Monk follow?, Certainly it is not true Islam.
in islam act of worship are mainly five pillars of Islam, that is obligatory. The Most obligatory is Tawheed (Shahadatha an la ila ha illa Allah) and then prayers (Wa Aqeemi Salatha),
Anything excess you do this two matter is considered as voluntary worship. Like you can say "la ilaha illa Allah" as much time you want, you can pray sunnah salah as much as you want.
So if a Muslims add something into la ilaha illa allah, then it is shirk and kufr, if a Muslim make salah/prayer to someone it is shirk!.
Dua (Supplication) of Muslims even in the tombs and graves are begin with "Allahumma" -Oh Allah", so it cannot be called as shirk/kufr. If someone else do something else then it is his ignorance.
Believers give salawat/salams to Prophets,pious/believers during visiting their grave.
Give salawat/salam is not shirk!, it is in Quran Allah command all believers to give salawat and salams to Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam.
We see that this Mufti Menk is misleading people. Why you mixing truth with false hood?
Kissing hands and feet is not an act of worship. Ask Mufti to read Al Adab Al Mufrad.
Probably Mufti have misunderstood Muslims kissing hands and feet of pious person as doing ruku and sajada!
When someone making prostration on a nice prayer mat, does that mean that he is worshiping to prayer mat?,that is the beliefs of this mufti.
When Muslims pray behind Imam, does that mean Muslims worshiping the Imam who stand in the front?
When Muslims do tawah at Kaba, does that mean Muslims worshiping kaba or Allah is sitting inside kaba?
Wake up jahil muftis!
According to Islamic Shari'ah , as Islamic shari'ah and Islamic act of worship is only true worship and therefore if a Muslim done an act to someone else that resembles Islamic worship, he must be asked about it.
An act is considered as worship , when the act includes intentions (niyyah) of worship and certain recitations of worship.
Someone merely bowing down near his camel does not give you right to call he is worshiping camel!, he might be cleaning camel or milking!
he if make intention that he is worshiping camel and reciting certain prayer before the camel then only muftis can rule that he has worshiped camel!
If you want to safeguard your religion, then boycott this kind of false Muftis!
The Prophets and Their Family are not Ordinary, the above Hadith (in photo) and the Quran verse pointing out this:
QURAN3:33 Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds -
Some questions to Mufti Menk:
- Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam is ordinary man, because he is ascended to heavens and met Allah, without death and without rockets?
- Prophet (S.A.W) is ordinary man because he is "Ramathan lil alameen"?
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man because he is Imams of the Prophets?
- Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is ordinary man because only his intercession (Shafa) will be accepted?
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man because Quran and his progeny do not separate until both reach in the pool (hawd al kausar)?
- Prophet s.a.w is ordinary man because Allah commanded Angles and all creations to give salawat up on him?
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man because he split moon?
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man because he has received the keys of heavens and earth?
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man because Allah is the giver and Muhammad is the distributor?,
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man, because Allah gave final revelation to him?
- Prophet (s.a.w) is ordinary man when he can hear the punishment in the grave while walking aside of the grave?
- Prophet Muhammad (S.a.w) is ordinary man because he knew why the women in the grave is punished for, while he walking near the grave?
- Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.s) is ordinary man, because the trees and stone greet him with salams?
- Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is ordinary man because the trees would run to him to give him shelter/privacy when call for nature?
- Prophet Muhammad is ordinary man, because His and other Prophets body will not be consumed by earth/worms?
- Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is ordinary man when he know the future events that you read in Kitab Al Fitan in Bukhari,Muslim,Tirmidi etc?
This is enough for any Jahil Muftis to understand who is Prophet Muhammad alaihiswalathu wa salam!.
Waseela in Quran:
Quran 17:80 Say: "O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."
Quran 5:35 O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive with might and main in his cause: that ye may prosper.
Quran 1:7 The way ("means of those" Quran3:35) of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
Waseela in Hadith:
Tabarani narrates from Abu Dhar, who said: I heard the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Baaraka wa Sallam say:
مثل أهل بيتي فيكم كمثل سفينة نوح في قوم نوح من ركبها نجا ومن تخلف عنها هلك ومثل باب حطة في بني اسرائيل
‘The example of my Ahl al-Bait within you is the example of the Ark of Nuh within the nation of Nuh; whoever boarded it was saved and whoever stayed behind was destroyed. It is also the example of the ‘Hitha’ of the Bani Isra’eel.’ [Tabarani in Al-Awsat, Vol. 4, Page 283, Hadith 3506 | Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol. 2, Page 427, Hadith 3312]
‘The example of my Ahl al-Bait within you is the example of the Ark of Nuh within the nation of Nuh; whoever boarded it was saved and whoever stayed behind was destroyed. It is also the example of the ‘Hitha’ of the Bani Isra’eel.’ [Tabarani in Al-Awsat, Vol. 4, Page 283, Hadith 3506 | Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol. 2, Page 427, Hadith 3312]
more to add to this post, wait insha Allah...........
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
So Now I am back after my meetings, and we may continue with the topic. Thanks to Alsunna trust Sri Lanka for sending the speech of Mufti Menk!, We call Menk to face us with Questions if he is ready!
Claims HE and others who believe in him can make direct link to Allah!
So In the Video min 15 onwards, you are saying everyone can make direct link with Allah!, Wah such a beautiful claim!
We were missing such a great man in this time, You might be higher than Mahdi (A.S)? Aren't you?
You saying to people that you can make direct link to ALLAH? , A Direct connection to Allah?
Then you must be knowing a lot of ilm al ghaib, the hidden knowledge.
But Allah says: "Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger and Obey those who are in authority among you"- Quran 4:59
Explaining this Hadith, Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam says:
Sahih Al Bukhari , Book 81, al Ahkam
Narrated Abu Huraira (R.A): Allah's Apostle (S.a.w) said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me."
-Hadith Number 3788: The Messenger of Allah (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: "Indeed, I am leaving among you, that which if you hold fast to them, you shall not be misguided after me, one of them is greater than the other:The Book of Allah is a rope extended from the sky to the earth, and my family -the people of my house-and they shall not split until they meet me at Hawd, so look at how you deal with them after me" (Sahih)
The explanation of this hadith can be read at:
So Mufti Menk, instead of fooling people, find the righteous Imams and leaders of the Muslims and follow their aqeedha and their ways. Keep their company, keep the company of the righteous and pious Imams of the greater group of Musims.
Did Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam claim direct link with Allah?, Was Allah directly or through Jibreel (A.S) coming to Hira cave to make connection with Prophet (S.a.w)?
Was Allah directly or Jibreel (A.S) giving revelation to Prophet (A.S)?
So why Mufti Menk lying to people that he and other can have direct connection to Allah?
Even the pious Muslims do not have direct connection with Allah: “Yaa Ayyatuhan Nafsul Mutma-inah, Irji’ee iLa Rabbiki Raadhiyatam Mardhiyyah, Fadhkhulee Fee Ibaadee Wadhkhulee Jannatee” (Al-Fajr 89:27-30)
[To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],And enter among My [righteous] servants And enter My Paradise."
So here who are the Servants Allah asking a believer to enter in?
It is the Imams of every nation. The Imams are Prophets and their deputies. In this Nation.
So It is obvious that Mufti menk giving false promises to people that they can make direct relationship with Allah!
On the other hand, you can make one way relationship with Allah, that you can claim you are connected to Allah and in direct contact!, unless someone ask you to get some information from Allah directly!
So even greatest Prophets were not under direct contact with Allah!
Musa alaihissalam, was asked by Allah to follow Hidr alaihissalam!. Why?. When Musa (A.S) is a Prophet of Allah, Allah asking Musa (A.S) to follow Hidr (A.S) to learn spiritual wisdom. Why?, Was Allah unable to teach Musa (A.S) that knowledge directly? or through angel Gabriel (A.S)?.
Take wisdom and stay away from false Muftis!.
So Mufti Menk claiming what other Prophets and Saints (Awliya Allah) did not claim!. Mufti Menk resembles the predicted 30 liars (impostors)!
Narrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established
(1) till two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine,
(2) till about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah's Apostle,
Have not you realize Mufti Menk is claiming to be Prophet, by saying he has direct connection with Allah?
So be with the main jamath of Muslims:
Sahih Al Bukhari: Volume 9, Book 88, Number 177:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
The Prophet said, "Whoever notices something which he dislikes done by his ruler, then he should be patient, for whoever becomes separate from the company of the Muslims even for a span and then dies, he will die as those who died in the Pre-lslamic period of Ignorance (as rebellious sinners). (Fateh-Al-Bari page 112, Vol. 16)
Volume 9, Book 88, Number 206:
Narrated Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman:From the above Hadith one Must understand that:
The people used to ask Allah's Apostle about the good but I used to ask him about the evil lest I should be overtaken by them. So I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We were living in ignorance and in an (extremely) worst atmosphere, then Allah brought to us this good (i.e., Islam); will there be any evil after this good?" He said, "Yes." I said, 'Will there be any good after that evil?" He replied, "Yes, but it will be tainted (not pure.)'' I asked, "What will be its taint?" He replied, "(There will be) some people who will guide others not according to my tradition? You will approve of some of their deeds and disapprove of some others." I asked, "Will there be any evil after that good?" He replied, "Yes, (there will be) some people calling at the gates of the (Hell) Fire, and whoever will respond to their call, will be thrown by them into the (Hell) Fire." I said, "O Allah s Apostle! Will you describe them to us?" He said, "They will be from our own people and will speak our language." I said, "What do you order me to do if such a state should take place in my life?" He said, "Stick to the group of Muslims and their Imam (ruler)." I said, "If there is neither a group of Muslims nor an Imam (ruler)?" He said, "Then turn away from all those sects even if you were to bite (eat) the roots of a tree till death overtakes you while you are in that state."
The Imams of the main body of Muslims were Madhab following Muslims. The 700 years old otman Caliphate was of Hanafi-Sufi Muslims, also Abbasid.
The rulers of Muslims (Khilafa) were Never Salafis/Wahhabis/Shia!, As the Hadith continuing...there was no muslim Imams, since 1920s when the Caliphate was abolished from Haramain Sharifain by Zionist-Wahhabi movements!
So Mufti Menk as a follower of Wahhabism, in fact deceiving Muslims, if the Hadith in Bukhari, and Saheeh Muslim Sahih Muslim Book 020, Hadith Number 4553. (reported by Hudayfa R.A) is not about Wahhabis, then I challenge you to prove it!
Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
And says to the audience , oh you have best examples that are in the life of Prophet and you must follow it!
Ok, Mufti ,We love to follow Prophet (S.a.W), but what about you. Why you preaching that you are not following in your life?
You are wearing a Jewish scarf, which Arab Jews used to wear in the early period of Islam!. Where is your Islamic turban worn on hat?
Have you ever practice or preached to practice such Sunnah?, Do you have an Imam?, So you make Baya? (oath of allegiance)?
Doesn't Prophet say: to follow my ahlul bayt?, doesn't Prophet say to keep the company of the friends of Allah? of the pious and righteous?
Doesn't Allah say: It is against Allah to speak what you do not do?
Quran 61:2-3 O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not? Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not
MUFTI's Lies (According the Hadith, the scholars who are liars are Dajjals)
In 1:7 :53 of the video, Mufti Menk says: it is a lie that Jibreel allaihissalam came to the mother of Prophet (s.a.w) and said the good news of her son. and Mufti continue that except wahhabis, other Muslims worship Prophet!
Mufti claims only Prophets had contact with angles now!
Lets see from Quran itself,
Didn't Jibreel (A.S) had communication with Haret Maryam (R.A) Mother of Nabi Isa alaihissalam?
Didn't Allah inspired mother of Musa alaihissalam to throw Nabi Musa (A.S) in Nile river?
Didn't Allah Inspired the relatives of Prophet (s.a.w) to give him the name Muhammad?
Who Gave Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) that name after his birth?, Prophet's name is a pre-Islamic name?, which is used by ALLAH in Quran?
Have you ever seen any scholars of ahlu sunnah saying or doing worship of Prophets?
Mufti lying to defend his Wahhabi religion!
So the above examples from Quran (Mother of Jesus and Mother of Musa -Peace be up on them all) shows,Mufti Menk is a liar (A Dajjal of this Ummah)!
In the Video: 1.07:40 to 1.09:59 Critisicing MeeladInsha Allah we will have another post, but look at Wahhabis of mixed ideologies!, they made Mawlid shirk and haram for Muslims!
On the other side, In Comparative religious lectures, Zakir Naik is reciting the Mawlid Nabi from Hindu, Christian, Farsi and Budhist scriptures!
When Muslims write Mawlid Sharif and celebrate it's recitation, it is haram and bid'ah!
But when Zakir Naik do it in English and Sanskrit (from Hindu Scriptures) it is a good innovation!
And Wahhabi, the modern super-technology salafi saying all the past methods of preaching was shirk and bid'ah!
Mawlid Nabi was celebrated and recited to preach Islam in a poetic way, in the times when there was no electronic media!
It was one of the various methods people were taught about life of our Prophet (s.a.w) and other pious ones.
Because books and printing became common in very recent times. In old times, people were taught various knowledge like a poem or like a story!
So Mufti Menk says, When we follow Prophet, we should not express the love through a poem/Naat/Nasheed/Mawlid (feast with food and prayers/dua or readings of the history of Prophet's life)
But we must only follow what is Sunnah!, Isn't Muslims having an Imam as their leader is not Sunnah?, isn't wearing turban is sunnah?
Mufti Menk wear Arab Jews scarf!,a cloth that came to Islam from Arab pagans and Jews, after they accept Islam, a cultural practice they took into Islam!
Also tell the name of the shaykh who say Minaret and other things made prostration! Why are you afraid of telling the whole story Mr Menk?
In the video 1:13:10 Mufti Menk got a Problem with Roza Sharif-The Dome of Prophet S.A.W
Menk, I can't believe a scholar can lose wisdom as much as you do!
Why are you saying turks build the Green Dome? Why are you afraid to say Ottomans built the green dome over the grave of Prophet (S.a.w)?
Are you ashamed to say: The Khalifa of Muslims built the Tomb of Prophet (s.a.w)?, are you afraid to say Ottoman Sultans of Muslims built the tomb?
Sahih Al Bukhari , book 89:
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me."
Square heads like Mufti has to hide the truth and correct words that Muslim Khalifa built tomb!, because it shows you are on the side of Dajjal!
Stick to the Main body of Muslims and their ruler (Imam)- read the hadiths given above!
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet said, "If somebody sees his Muslim ruler doing something he disapproves of, he should be patient, for whoever becomes separate from the Muslim group even for a span and then dies, he will die as those who died in the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance (as rebellious sinners). (See Hadith No. 176 and 177)
So if Mufti MENK thinks the Khalifas of Islam were Mushriks and promoting Shirk in Islam, then Mufti you must find your place among the Kharijite (Rebellious sinners) who oppose and spread Fitnah against the Khalifas of Islam!
The Islamic Caliphate was destroyed followed by the invasion and revolt of the people who follow the same aqeedha of Mufti Menk!
In the Video: 1:13:40 onwards Mufti saying: How can we be different when it come to Aqeedha (Belief)?
yes, Mufti, thats what we are saying to you, how can you deviate from the Aqeedha and Jamath of main body of Muslims and their Imams?
How can you deviate from the beliefs of Hanafi-Sufi ottomans,who carried the glory and khilafat of Islam for 700 years?
Even the Sahabi Hudayfa Ibn Al Yaman (R.A) was ordered by Prophet to follow the Imams of the Muslims, if he lives that long, reach hadith in Sahih Al Muslim!
Narrated Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman:
The people used to ask Allah's Apostle about the good but I used to ask him about the evil lest I should be overtaken by them. So I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We were living in ignorance and in an (extremely) worst atmosphere, then Allah brought to us this good (i.e., Islam); will there be any evil after this good?" He said, "Yes." I said, 'Will there be any good after that evil?" He replied, "Yes, but it will be tainted (not pure.)'' I asked, "What will be its taint?" He replied, "(There will be) some people who will guide others not according to my tradition? You will approve of some of their deeds and disapprove of some others." I asked, "Will there be any evil after that good?" He replied, "Yes, (there will be) some people calling at the gates of the (Hell) Fire, and whoever will respond to their call, will be thrown by them into the (Hell) Fire." I said, "O Allah s Apostle! Will you describe them to us?" He said, "They will be from our own people and will speak our language." I said, "What do you order me to do if such a state should take place in my life?" He said, "Stick to the group of Muslims and their Imam (ruler)." I said, "If there is neither a group of Muslims nor an Imam (ruler)?" He said, "Then turn away from all those sects even if you were to bite (eat) the roots of a tree till death overtakes you while you are in that state."
You are 21st Century Salafi saying, We do not follow the ways of the Ottomans-Hanfi-Sufis!
We follow Prophet and even ALLAH directly!
But Prophet (S.a.W) saying to his own companion, to follow the Imams of the Muslims, if his life extended to that periods!
So, if Hudayfah (R.A) lived past 800 years, you must be seeing him as Ottoman Hanafi.
Wake up Muslims!, don't get fooled by liars (the scholars who are Dajjals in this nation)!
So Mufti MENK , go and learn about Ottomans, what was their beliefs (Aqeeda) , and remember Mufti Menk, never you succeed with your deviant beliefs and sects!. Allah's Mercy, Blessings and Protections are with the Largest Group Of Muslims and their Imams, since the Muslims as largest group ended by the end of Ottomans (in 1924), today those who hold to the Beliefs and Path of Ottomans, they are on the right Path. "Stick to the Main body of Muslims and their Imams"
In this days, with expansions of the knowledge and sources, a Muslim can still learn and stick to the ways of Ottomans (the last main body of Muslims).
So Wake up Muslims, don't get fooled by false leaders and deviant scholars!
Mr MENK, you said calling Prophet as Sayyiduna is not used by Sahaba, who have utmost respect for Prophet (S.a.W)!
And you said examples of their obedience to Rasool Allah (alaihiswalathu wa salam)
Mr Menk, why you are a lair (Dajjal)? Because Prophet (S.a.W) has said, the scholars who are liars in my nation are Dajjals (Imposters):
Chapter : Yellow dye.
Narated By Umm Salamah The Prophet peacebeuponhim said about the swallowing up of an army by the earth. I asked How will a man who comes against his will be swallowed up by the earth, Apostle of Allah He replied All will be swallowed up, but each will be raised according to his intention on the Day of Resurrection. : |Ali ibn Abu Talib|Abu Ishaq told that Ali looked at his son al-Hasan and said: This son of mine is a sayyid (chief) as named by the Prophet (pbuh), and from his loins will come forth a man who will be called by the name of your Prophet (pbuh) and resemble him in conduct but not in appearance. He then mentioned the story about his filling the earth with justice.
Narated By Umm Salamah The Prophet peacebeuponhim said about the swallowing up of an army by the earth. I asked How will a man who comes against his will be swallowed up by the earth, Apostle of Allah He replied All will be swallowed up, but each will be raised according to his intention on the Day of Resurrection. : |Ali ibn Abu Talib|Abu Ishaq told that Ali looked at his son al-Hasan and said: This son of mine is a sayyid (chief) as named by the Prophet (pbuh), and from his loins will come forth a man who will be called by the name of your Prophet (pbuh) and resemble him in conduct but not in appearance. He then mentioned the story about his filling the earth with justice.
Abu Bakrah (radiAllaahu anhu) narrated:
I heard the Prophet (sallallahu alayh wa sallam) while giving an address on the minbar while Al-Hasan (radiAllaahu anhu) was by his side, He (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) would glance at the people and then at Al-Hasan, and say, “This son of mine is a Sayyid (chief) and perhaps Allaah will bring about an agreement between two group of the Muslims through him.”
[Sahih Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 823]
Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam called "Imam Hassan(A.S) as a Sayyid.
So If Imam Hassan-The Grand Son of Prophet is called as Sayyid, then the Grand Father Must be a Greater Sayyid.
We see Prophet (s.a.w) by calling Imam Hassan (a.s) as Sayyid, making it permissible to call Prophet (s.a.w) and His Progeny with the title : Sayyid/Sayyidee/Ya Sayyidee/Sayyiduna etc
Isn't so? , So If Prophet called his grand son as a Sayyid for others to know him as a Sayyid, then what is wrong Muslims calling Prophet (S.a.W) with the title Sayyid?
Mufti Menk Wake up man, leave all this false titles and names of Mufi, mafti, Kifti etc!
I am addressing you directly, if you want you can meet me in England, stop deceiving Muslims!
Mufti Menk, what happened to you, why you misleading people around the world?
A TRUTH MUFTI MENK SAID: That you cannot call yourself as SalafiAfter than Mufti Menk continue to praise Sahaba and said: "for that reason we are not sahaba (in the video 1:24.00 onwards)
So if you are not in the state of Sahaba, then in what reason and legitimacy you are calling yourself as "Salafi"?
When you make excuse to have a usury dealing bank, a credit card/debit card/ etc?
1.31:18 1.31:57 Hadees on Ilm from China, Prophet didnt know Chinese (laugh from audience) and emphasising further this with the example of Kuala lampur
This what Dajjals do!, they make fun and joke at Hadith of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam.
yes, Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: Seek Knowledge, even if it is to go to China to seek knowledge"
Mufti Menk and his followers (A Dajjal and his followers) laughing at this Hadith of Seeking Knowledge from China!
Is Ilm is only in Arabia?, then why Menk and his followers going to the University in Kualalumpur and University in Egypt Al Azhar?, or Why Some Salafis Muftis doing their Islamic Theology Masters in Cambridge, Exeter, Columbia and Oxford?
Don't you see Prophet's prediction and advise came true?, that Islamic knowledge will be spread all over the world, while Arabs will fall into deception and afftlictions, the knowledge of Islam will be kept safe in another land!.
Where was Imam Bukhari from?, Uzebkistan or Najd?, Where was great Scholars of Salafis from?, i.e Imam Abu Hanifa? Where did Imam Shafi lived?
Isn't there so many graves of Sahaba in India and China?
Look at our state Kerala South India, the knowledge of Islam reach there from the time of Sahaba itself!
Moreover , it is not only the knowledge of religion Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam wanted Muslims to learn, Muslims has to learn knowledge that make him strong, independent, innovative in medicine and science.
It is Muslims who spread the knowledge from east to west during the middle ages!
This kind of MENKY Muftis living in biggest Jahiliya, somewhat like Chimbanzis do!
Look at their laughing!, they laughing at Prophet's words! and claiming they love and respect Prophet (S.a.w) in the beginning of this video,
Muslims brought knowledge of the east into Arabia, from there they took into the center of Islam in the West,Spain,Cordoba, which paved the way for end of Darkness!
Mufti Menk still cannot understand the Hadith's realistic proof in today's world.
The foolish Mufti saying: prophet did not know Chinese people at that time!. Prophet know heavens and all earth and Allah, but did not know the world?
Wa ma Arsalnaka illa Rahmatan lil alameen- We have not sent you, but as a Mercy to the whole Creations.
Islam reached in China in the time of Sahaba and Tabieen.
So Mafti Menk , didn't china include in the Quran verse : "Mercy to whole world"?
That you saying: Prophet did not know china, so if Prophet is Rahmatan lil Aalameen" Mercy to the whole world, then china and it's people must be outside of his Mercy, as he did not know china!?
Mufti Mufti Ismail Menk : "Prophet (s.a.w) did not Know China"
Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) Said:
It was narrated from Thawban that the Prophet of Allah (swalla allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Allah, Exalted is He, drew the ends of the earth for me to see, and I saw it's eastern and western lands. And I have been given two treasures, the read and the white"-then he mentioned a hadith like that of Ayyub from Abu Qailabah (no 7528)
Hadith Number 7259, Sahih Al MUslim Vol 7, Darussalam Publications (Salafi Wahhabi Publications).
But from the true history of Islam, we see that Islam and It's Mercy reached all the way in China!
If Mufti Menk believe Islam will prevail all over the world including China, Muhammad Nabi alaihiswalathu wa salam will intercede for Chinese people also on the day of Judgement. and Angel Jibreel (A.S) will inform Prophet when a Chinese give him Salam and salawat!, then mufti Menk, I warn you now, leave your fake dress of Mufti and repent and come to us Ottoman Naqshbandis and learn Islam and truth.
Mufti Menk continues to say about Kualalumpur in this video: he is taking example and saying: if I reach the same Hadith and say: Seek Knowledge, even if it is to go to KL" so on!
So he is making Prophet's explanation a silly matter!
Do Prophet (s.a.w) speak his own desire to give examples for people?
Mufti says yes, so Prophet did not know China!, but Prophets speak without knowledge?
Absolutely know, Allah inspire Prophet to speak with full knowledge and understanding of what is spoken!
Because our religion is not a religion of confusion and deception!
Quran Sura Najm: 53:4 Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.
53:4 It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:
53:5 He was taught by one Mighty in Power,
53:6 endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form);
Quran says Prophet (s.a.w)was taught and inspired by Jibreel (A.S) with full wisdom and he do not speak his own desires!
Now Mufti Menk must say: Jibreel (a.s) did not know China?
The Prophet (s.a.w) who spoke about Israel, fighting of Armageddon, and 1000s of other wisdom did not know China?
Mufti Menk, Wake up
Volume 9, Book 92, Number 378:Sahih Al Bukhari
Narrated Said bin Al-Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said that Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with 'Jawami-al-Kalim ' (the shortest expression with the widest meaning) and have been made victorious with awe (cast in my enemy's hearts), and while I was sleeping, I saw that the keys of the treasures of the world were placed in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures, or digging those treasures out." or said a similar sentence. (Sahih Al Bukhari)
It will be Imam Mahdi (A.S) the Grand son of Prophet who will have all those keys in his hand in his arrival. So Mufti Menk follow the ways of the Imams of ahlul bayt and Awliya allah. so you may be saved!
The Prophet (s,a,w) was given the Keys of the treasures, Dreams are part of Prophetic authority. So Prophet's key does not include China? Mr MENK? .
Sahih Al Bukhari:
Volume 9, Book 92, Number 386:
Narrated Hammam:
Hudhaifa said, "O the Group of Al-Qurra! Follow the straight path, for then you have taken a great lead (and will be the leaders), but if you divert right or left, then you will go astray far away."
Quran 1:7 The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
They are Awliya Allah and Ahlul Bayt:
Hadith jami at-Tirmidi ,Darussalam Publications (Wahhabi publications)
-Hadith Number 3788: The Messenger of Allah (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: "Indeed, I am leaving among you, that which if you hold fast to them, you shall not be misguided after me, one of them is greater than the other:The Book of Allah is a rope extended from the sky to the earth, and my family -the people of my house-and they shall not split until they meet me at Hawd, so look at how you deal with them after me" (Sahih)
The explanation of this hadith can be read at:
Wahhabis, Mufti Menk, Even if you stand in your whole life and praise the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) from the beginning of the world to the End of Times, or from pre-Eternity to Post-Eternity, that will not lead you to shirk!
Because the Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam was praised by ALLAH Subhana Wa Ta'ala Himself!
As long as a creation cannot overcome the Creator in an act or praising someone, that does not make you Mushrik!, or we say, you can't overcome those angles who praise the Prophet of Allah (S.a.W)!
When this kind of Dajjal Muftis are taken away by Angel of Death, then Muslims will find guidance!
So, at the end of this note, we feel sad for Mr Menk and those who deceived by him and feel shame for those who invite this kind of impostors and false muftis to preach Islam in their so called Islamic Centers.
By disrespecting Prophet (s.a.w) and his words, Mufti Menk has become a role model for the enemies of Islam! The Enemies of Islam will say: "How can your Prophet be the Prophet for whole nations, when he does not no Chinese and Malayans? !
Mufti Menk, if you do not correct yourself, something is coming to you from heavens a wrath a punishment a retribution, or a revenge, or whatever we say in human language, so before it fall on your head, change yourself and change others who are mislead by you!
I am not Joking here, I am serious and I am furious, I am complaining about you to Allah for hurting me and paining me in regard to my Prophet and my beloved Grand Fathers of Ahlul Bayt!
The Warning and Caution is very serious on you, because you are wearing the dress of Islam (Mufti)!!! Either repent and come to us and change yourself and accept our path, or else accept whatever befall on you!
Do you know Why Muslims are in this conditions today?, it is because they turned away from Prophet his ahlul bayt and awliya Allah. They direspect and insult the three, Prophet, Ahlul Bayt and Awliya Allah!
Their leaders are worst in doing this malice!, That's why this nation falling in worst situations even though the number of Muslims increasing day by day!'Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "The Prophet said: 'If my Ummah bears fifteen traits, tribulation will befall it.' Someone asked, 'What are they, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor; when a trust becomes a means of making a profit; when paying Zakat becomes a burden; when a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly whilst shunning his father; when voices are raised in the mosques; when the leader of a people is the worst of them; when people treat a man with respect because they fear some evil he may do; when much wine is drunk; when men wear silk; when female singers and musical instruments become popular; when the last ones of this Ummah curse the first ones - then let them expect a red wind, or the earth to swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.' " [At-Tirmidhi]]
Note by: Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al-Hassani
Ottoman Naqshbandi Sufi Way
Brother, You totally misunderstand the Lecture. anyway all the best to your religion!!!
ReplyDeleteCan you give me the link of this video of Mufti Menk?
Can you give me the link of this video of Mufti Menk?
Mr.aim3772, my brother may be wrong in telling that menk insulted the prophet.but for sure menk is totally wrong and misguided for sure.for that my brother has explained clearly and in detail.if u can't understand,surely u r the ostrich with the head inside the ground
ReplyDeleteAnd exactly how are you to judge how is guided and misguided? Seriously you sitting here shaming and naming another Muslim is completely wrong in Islam! And if you don't like what he says don't listen to him but you have no right to slander him! I mean exactly what have you done to look down on him???
DeleteYa Allah... Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
ReplyDeleteYa Rasool Allah Ya Rasool Allah....
May Allah Guide us all on the Prophetic way and protect us from fitna in the deen and the Web of Dajjal.. Ameen..
Surah Kahf for protection..
Love of Rasool Allah Muhammed Sallellahi alaihi wassalem..
Love of Ahlul Bayt..
In present we can't say "Ya Rasul Allah" as Mohammad (saw) is not present now..... Not even any durood sharif contains the word "Ya" before 'Rasul Allah"... But saying "Ya Allah" is correct as Allah (swt) is present everywhere....
DeleteMay Allah (swt) guide you my brother....
Ya in Arabic means to call some one . Like I am Calling my friend who is on other side of road and not beside me. so I will call him out loudly so that he can hear me.
DeleteAllah swt is closer than our veins in the body but the question is are we closer to him? And thats the reason we take waseela. Waseela means to find means to approach. A medium to get closer.our salaat is our waseela to get closer to allah swt. A medium to get closer.
There is no problem in calling ya rasul Allah(SAW). It simply means oh messenger of allah, I send you my Salam.
I respect and love prophet (Saw) very much and I send him Salaam daily. No wrong in sending salaam.
maashallah one of the best refutations!
ReplyDeleteHe is misguided & so are you. Read the book 'Authentication of Hadith: Redefining the Criteria' by Israr Ahmad Khan, Professor, International Islamic University of Malaysia. Also read the book 'Natural World Order & The Islamic Thought' available free at You as well as he have not understood the very virtual first verse of Quran, the first verse of Surat-ul-Bakra. Meaning of Alif, Lam & Meem is known to only Allah. The translation of the verse is 'there is absolutely no doubt in this book; which will show way to the believers'. All so-called scholars refer this book to Quran whereas the reference to book is the book defined in the souls of all humans which defines right & wrong of all actions humans may do or think of doing. The book is the innate moral code defined in the human souls and if this is not the tafseer of this verse then no non-Muslim is answerable to Allah.
ReplyDeleteBrother, when he says the prophet pbuh is an ordinary man, he means that the prophet pbuh is from amongst us. He eats drinks sleeps and does everything like everyone else. Not that the prophet pbuh is not special. Many times the mufti mentions that the prophet pbuh is the best creation that Allah has made. The best. Please brother, don't slander people. Read, listen and learn. InsyaAllah may Allah guide us all.
ReplyDeleteHow can a best creation be ordinary? Doesnt the two words special and ordinary contradicts? For ex, you have same Brand car that I have but mine is special edition with 100s of special features and horsepowers and same model so when we both go on road together would not people say one is ordinary and one is special edition.
DeleteIf you build a mountain in sand 10 feet, 20 feet and on other hand there is Everest people won't say eh Everest is ordinary mountain same as one built from sand.
You guys are all ignorant. What he means by ordinary is don't worship him like the Christians worship Jesus which the prophet himself said. Mufti menk does a lot of dawah and speaks a lot of English so that is what he's saying. He's not saying rasul saw is not a prophet chosen by Allah. He's saying in other words he's not worthy of worship. La illaha ila Allah
DeleteEasiest way to get popular is to slander a known scholar and appear as if you are doing something Good... I sincerely hope you are mistaken and hope you are not posting this intentionally
ReplyDeletelisten careful to the lecture... what you have type in writing is totally misguided. That is your wrong view of understanding... May Allah guide u brother...
ReplyDeleteYou're so ignorant you hate him because he follows the salafi aqeedah and you try to refute him with ibn kathirs book without knowing that ibn kathirs teacher was ibn taymiyyah who is the worst enemy of grave dwelling deviants like yourself
ReplyDeleteI'm amused. Why are you offended? He was talking about The Modern Christians who they said worship Prophet Isa (alayhissalaam), but they don't worship him, they worship someone who was crucified. According to Gospel of Barnabas it was Judas.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't follow any groups, he always talk about doing something right.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote this article, I feel your pain. Respect. Please keep up the good work my brother of naqshband.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about, there is nothing made mention of the waseelah of the prophet in the qur'an. The qur'an repeatedly tells us to call Allah directly.
Deletethis obviously a sufi website and truly they're misguided , may allah guide them to the right path because they are creating huge fitna amongst the ummah.. the amount of innovation subhan-allah is shocking , but when they are told what they're doing is wrong this is there reply "no you're a wahhabbi or you're a salafi" la hawla wala quwuta we are in times of great tribulations and trial , may allah azawojal protect us from the deviants and innovators because truely these innovators will not be part of ahlus sunna wal jammah
DeleteWaseela means "medium to get closer" in simple words Allah swt told us to take waseela. For ex my salat is my waseela to get closer to Allah. Waseela can be of any type. Allah Swt did not said ok take this waseela and not this and not that. It's you people who made rules that ok this waseela should be taken, this should not be taken. Allah simply asked to take waseela that's it. It can be in any form, it can be my salat, waseela of my prophet Saw
DeleteProof from the Qur’an
Allah most High says in the Holy Qur'an:
O you who Believe! Do your duties to Allah and fear Him seek the means of approach unto him, and strive (with might and main) in His cause so that you may prosper. (Surah Mai’dah verse 35, Surah 5)
In this verse, Allah has informed us to seek ways of obtaining Waseela, a means to approach Him. Our Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), is our Waseela in this world and hereafter.
Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur'an:
Before that, they were asking for victory over the infidels by means of the same Prophet. Surah Baqarah verse 89
Imam Tabari, Hafidhh Ibn ul Qayyum al Jawzi, Hafidhh Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write that before the birth of the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), the Jews would make the Prophet, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, a Waseela in their supplications, when asking Allah to defeat their enemies in battle. (Tafsir Ibn Jareer, Tafsir Ibn Kathir & Tafsir Fath ul Qadeer Shawkaani. Ibn Qayyum. Under, verse Baqarah 89 and Hadaya-tul-Hayara page 95 by Hafidhh Ibn Qayyum al Jawzi.
Someone may object to this by saying that this was an act of the Jews, hence it cannot be used as evidence for Muslims. However, Allah has mentioned this event in the Qur'an and did not condemn this, therefore this demonstrates that if it were impermissable the Holy Qur'an would not have mentioned it, nor left it unremanded
and for the person who wrote this article read the whole video because what you're doing is misleading , you didn't even watch the lecture it seems
ReplyDeleteYou are so quick to call everyone a "Kafer". How many people did you call to Islam? How many hungry children did you feed? How are you helping your community, Muslim and non-Muslim, deal with life's problems?
ReplyDeleteWho are you to sit on your "throne" and judge everyone passing by your feet? Where did you study Islam, Fiqh and Hadith?
This is to everyone who feels tempted to "defend" Islam. Fix your little corner of the world first "before" you even think about fixing the world. How do you talk to your family? How much time do you spend on charity work? Do you volunteer at the local Masjed? Do you volunteer at the local non-Muslim community center? Is your behavior the best example of a Muslim?
Brothers and Sisters. The Prophet's behavior was the best example of how to be Muslim. Live up to that standard and watch your words. You are "NOT" the representative of Allah on Earth.
Love to everyone
Spread Peace and Feed the People.
Ur blog needs to be reported!!!! u spread evil brother!!!!
Deletego back to the basics ... You sound like a unlearned person.
DeleteMashallah very good post .......keep it up
Delete80000 years of ibadah.. tauheed went in vain when iblees thought Nabi is ordinary......
Iblees never did shirk..
Still he is jahannumi...
Wahabi/salafi talk same like iblees.. do Amal and anal and tauheed... And then like iblees they think Nabi is just a Nabi..
For sahaba Nabi was everything . That's why they always look at his blessed face even in salah..
And this guys.. for them Nabi is only Nabi..
Fear Allah and Seek Knowledge
ReplyDeleteThe Answer to the foolish is silent
ReplyDeletedear brothers who created this, I'm really sorry for you. I hope you receive Allah's guidance and repent. Thee prophet sal said speaking I'll of a person whether it be true or not is a grievous sin. its not forgiven in the last day. I hope you, who misquoted so many hadees and verse are aware of this. You keep on saying follow the largest group whereas you are not. one of them the largest group is the one that follow quran , the life of prophet and hadees to the word. the prophet sal was sent to this world to show us HOW TO WORSHIP ALLAH. the sahabas followed him so its been completed. whosoever tries to add something new to Islam is in deep error. can you relate one incident where the sahabas asked dua from anyone's grave, even the holy prophet's(the greatest of all creations) grave? indeed no. pls understand the gravity of what you have done. every imam (Shari, hanafi,malik,etc...) condemned all acts of shirk. so pls don't try to to give wrong impressions of these great people. and Allah has given us the gift of dual so that we can have a DIRECT LINK with Allah. you and I believe that Allah watches every instance of our life. then why do you say that we can't have a direct link with Allah. then why is salah zikr and dua are given? pls don't misguide people. your hatred of miftji monk is pretty obvious but bakckbiting and slandering are not to be tolerated. did you ever hear him call any person a liar, false mufthi,etc whether he be against him or not? so pls stop these sins. He has studied directly in madinah, learnt Quran from sheikh sudaisi, and is highly qualified so pls respect him. That's all. I have hope that you might one day repent for what you have done.
ReplyDeleteOur Prophet is our Waseela even after his Death.
DeleteHafidhh Ibn Taymyya writes: A person came to Uthman Ghani RadhiAllahu 'anhu with regards to seeking some assistance, but he was unable to attract the attention of the Khalifah on every attempt. The same person met Uthman bin Haneef, RadhiAllahu 'anhu, and told him his problem. Uthman bin Haneef gave him some advice which was: 'Perform Wudhu, pray two rak'at Nawaafil and then supplicate in this way: " Ya Allah, I ask You through the Waseela of Your Messenger Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace]The person again went to Uthman bin Affan RadhiAllahu 'anhu who helped him with his work and also said 'If you ever need my help in future, I will help you (with regards to work).
[Qay’da jaleelah Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyah page 96 Tabraani, Bayhaqi, Hakim]
Hafidhh Ibn Taymyya After writing this narration writes that, 'Maqdasi states that this narration is Sahih and Hakim declares that it fulfils the conditions of Bukhari, then Hafidhh Ibn Tayymiah goes on to say: 'The opinion of Uthman bin Haneef is that it is permitted to supplicate in this way even after our Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace]passed away. But since this is not evident from any other companion it does not prove that it is Wajib.
[“Al-waseela Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyah page 98” ]
It is the belief of the Ahl-al-Sunnah that it is permitted, and has never been claimed that it is Wajib. Ibn Taymyyah further adds: 'It is evident from a group of the Salaf that they held the practice of supplicating with the Waseela of the Prophet (Sallallahu’alaihi wa sallam)' He then includes the following report: 'According to Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal it is permitted to supplicate with the Waseela of the Prophet (Sallallahu’ alaihi wa sallam.’) After writing all this Hafidhh Ibn Tayymiah makes the statement: 'If a person makes the obedience of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] the Waseela, then this is fine. But if he makes the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] himself the Waseela then this is something with which we do not agree with'.
[“Al-waseela Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyah page 100”]
Even in Hafidhh Ibn Taimiyyah's books, there are dozens of narrations, which show that the Salaf would present the Waseela of RasoolAllah [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] when supplicating to Allah. So it is a very strange phenomenon to deny the Waseela of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] after having full knowledge of these narrations, and the practice of the Salaf.
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahaab Al Najdi writes that scholars have different opinion about making supplication du’a with the Waseela of the pious people. Some permit it, while the others, do not. So it is not right to say some one is Kafir who goes to the grave of a pious person and make Waseela.
(Majmooah ul Mu’allifat Al Qism ul Salith pg 68 by Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahaab ul Najdi)
Qadi Shawkani writes that to supplicate with the waseela of the Prophet is permissible and evidence for that hadith is narrated by Uthman bin Hanif that states that the Prophet asked a blind man to pray with his Waseela. Tirmizi, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzamah and Hakim narrate this hadith. To pray with a pious person’s Waseela is also permitted and Imam Bukhari gives evidence of that hadith as he writes that companions of the Prophet made du’a with the Waseela of Abbas during the time of famine in Madina.
(Tuhfa ul Dakireen chapter Adab ul Du’a by Qadi Shawkani)
These are all the proofs, that demonstrate that it is permitted to supplicate to Allah by presenting the Waseela of the pious, whether they are alive or have passed away. And success is from Allah.
Having a direct link with Allah doesn't mean he's claiming Allah speaks to him. Mufti menk gives dawah for non Muslims too so it's letting them know that we don't pray through isa alaihe Salam or Mary or saints as many Christians do. And he is pointing out that the prophet sallallahu ailaihe wasallam is an ordinary man for the people who don't know Islam so they will know he is only human and not a god or part of a trinity as Christians believe about their prophet.
ReplyDeleteAnd now u r claiming to have a direct link with Allah by saying something is coming to mufti menk from the heavens. Did Allah tell u that because he is the only one that would know that. And if that is your jahil way of threatening him then know that you have misunderstood him and to kill one innocent man in Islam is equal to killing all of mankind to Allah if u r really a Muslim who cares about the commands of Allah as you are perpetrating on here.
ReplyDeleteMohammad (saw) didn't split the moon into two halves........!!
ReplyDeleteIt was Allah (swt) who ordered Prophet (saw) and in the name of Allah (swt) it was splitted into two...!!
Muhammad (saw) could hear the punishment in the grave because Allah (swt) want him to hear that so as to tell the people about Azab in the Qabr....
Muhammad (saw) knew the future events because Allah (swt) wanted him know..
That's what ahlu Sunnah Wal jamaah believes.. that Everything was ATAYI (Given ) ..
DeleteAllah has given RasoolAllah sallalahualaihiwasallam everything....
Not even a JAHIL uneducated Muslim would say that all those powers azmath everything of our Nabi was his own..
Nobody claim thats.. you can ask to any muslim
But your wahabi ulema decieve by this things and make you call your own Muslim brother mushrik..and through it they disrespect Nabi alaihisalam and bad assume about a Nabi..
If really not kufr then kufr will return to the blaming person..
If cow gives milk . Nobody says it's shirk? Because every person in this world says Cow GIVES MILK.. but in reality who gives milk? ALLAH..... Then why not it become shirk if a person call cow gives milk? Ask your who gives milk he will answer cow.. oh wait.. Allah gives milk .
Understand this.. we all know ACTUALLY milk is from Allah hence telling cow gives milk don't make it's shirk
.similarly... If RasoolAllah do something.. we all knew it's because of Allah that has given him the higher status that's why...
.hence no shirk.
Whoever still say it's shirk.. has fallen to whispers of shaitan
When the Menk speaks ill about Our Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and Awliya Allah رضي الله عنه no one is bothered or hurt..
ReplyDeleteBut when the people expose the reality about this Gair Mukallid Salafi.. The Blind and Deaf are very aggressive.. People ponder on this!!!
Mufti Menk is more good than bad and deep in your hearts you know that. But Shaytan and your ignorance is denying it on the outside. Ask Allah for forgiveness. Did you not hear the story of Uthman bin Affan (ra)? Extremist people like you thought they were doing good to the ummah by shaming him and then killing him. Now look at where they are and where he is. Fear Allah and stay on the straight path before it is too late. May Allah protect Mufti Menk and make it so the the hands of people like you don't reach him. As salam alaiykum.
ReplyDeleteSalaam Alaikum brothers and sisters. InshaAllah we can all learn from this post, we as muslims should love one another and never slander each other. Yes we are sometimes wrong and sadly some of us have been misguided, but we should be helping each other become better muslims with sincere words.
ReplyDeleteAllah knows best and our true intentions, I thank Allah for leading me to Islam and a lot of my knowledge has come from Allah through the lectures of Mufti Menk.
InshaAllah we all receive Allahs guidance and strengthen one another.
Refrain from ignorance. Your action is nothing but an animal behavior. Public should bring you to justice and put in locker. You and similar minded people are defaming us. You show unislamic conduct and you appear to have no ethics. You are not a scholar but an illiterate human without wisdom and depth of understanding. First try to learn how to become a human being first before you practice your ibdah. It is a prerequisite. It is not late to repent repent. Else people should drag you to justice. A barking dog deserve no respect but condemnation. I wish I had better words for you.... o..fanatic. ..
ReplyDeleteRefrain from ignorance. Your action is nothing but an animal behavior. Public should bring you to justice and put in locker. You and similar minded people are defaming us. You show unislamic conduct and you appear to have no ethics. You are not a scholar but an illiterate human without wisdom and depth of understanding. First try to learn how to become a human being first before you practice your ibdah. It is a prerequisite. It is not late to repent repent. Else people should drag you to justice. A barking dog deserve no respect but condemnation. I wish I had better words for you.... o..fanatic. ..
ReplyDeleteRefrain from ignorance. Your action is nothing but an animal behavior. Public should bring you to justice and put in locker. You and similar minded people are defaming us. You show unislamic conduct and you appear to have no ethics. You are not a scholar but an illiterate human without wisdom and depth of understanding. First try to learn how to become a human being first before you practice your ibdah. It is a prerequisite. It is not late to repent repent. Else people should drag you to justice. A barking dog deserve no respect but condemnation. I wish I had better words for you.... o..fanatic. ..
ReplyDeleteRefrain from ignorance. Your action is nothing but an animal behavior. Public should bring you to justice and put in locker. You and similar minded people are defaming us. You show unislamic conduct and you appear to have no ethics. You are not a scholar but an illiterate human without wisdom and depth of understanding. First try to learn how to become a human being first before you practice your ibdah. It is a prerequisite. It is not late to repent repent. Else people should drag you to justice. A barking dog deserve no respect but condemnation. I wish I had better words for you.... o..fanatic. ..
ReplyDeleteProphet Muhammad (PBUH) was a ordinary man like you and me no doubt about it . Hadith is a fabrication book , Only Quran must be follow and stop insulting anyone who didn't believe in your false belief . 18:110
Quran 18:110 Sahih International
Say, " (Muhammad ) I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone."
Holy Quran 21 : 7-8
21:7 ''And We sent not before you, [O Muhammad], except men to whom We revealed [the message], so ask the people of the message if you do not know.
21:8 ''And We did not make the prophets forms not eating food, nor were they immortal [on earth].
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cannot save anyone on the day of judgement ,so you better stop deceiving yourself .
Quran 2:48 ''And fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be aided.
Everyone has a direct link with Allah , you don't need to mention any Prophet name before you talk to your maker .
Quran 2:186 ''And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.
To conclude, Prophet Muhammad is a human being born from father and mother, and He is the messenger and slave of Allah
May be the curse of Allah be upon you and you friends that harbour the belief that Mohamed Salalahualaisalam is an ordinary man.
DeleteHe salalahualaisalam is the first and most perfect creation of Allah. You people heard on lecture from a mufti menky and now you infidels want describe our Habib salalahualaisalm as ordinary. My your PUNISHMENTS AND AZAAB start now, fo through graves and straight to hell. Zainul@bideen Raza
who created this post. May The ALLMIGHTY guide you to the right path
ReplyDeleteDear brother,
ReplyDeleteWho are you??? Is it your responsibility to judge people? Correct your english spellings you poor jahil be scared from Allah just because someone is called sayyid doesnt mean his grandad or dad or son be called it, I am a hanafi im not on the same group as Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk but I have due respect for him because he is a muslim scholar and preacher he preaches the deen of Allah
Mufti Ismail has a lot of Ilm .....May Allah guide you to the right path, or give you the worst place in are the type of people that put doubt in muslims minds....may Allah punish you for are the real munafiq
..Salam alaikum...I agreed that we should never worship anyone except Allah S.W.T, our only one true God.And Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is His last messenger (teachings).
ReplyDelete...We had been told these messages by our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Allah know best...
...Sorry..I not read the article I don't know what is the problem..
ReplyDelete..For me..if he (mufti Menk said we can't worship the prophets..I agreed..)
..and if he said to avoid 'Bid'ah' (innovations of deen), we should follow the Prophet S.A.W sunnah..(hadeeth's way)..I also agreed with him..
..and if he said that we should not respect the prophets in excess to avoid be like the christians now..
I will surely said yesss.. I agreed with him...
Allah know best.
who ever take some one out of Islam and that person does not qualify to be out shall find himself out of it, as simple as that. May Allah accept your work brother Mufti and forgive
ReplyDeleteyour shortcomings and error
Too many agencies on behalf of the devils with fake Muslim names are here and jealous from all Muslim scholars, As Allah stated in many verses in the Quran that the devils & the enemy of Islam are determined to extirpate our beutiful religion Islam, let us ignore and stand together with our scholars--Don't let propaganda against our beloved Muslim brothers influence our fate, stay strong, read the Quran and trust Allah, the knower and the creator on this planet
ReplyDeleteSubhan'Allah lol
ReplyDeleteThis guys clearly a Naqshabandi grave worshipper.
I think you need to learn to write correct English first before becoming a Google Sheikh. All you have done is copy and pasted hadiths and Ayah's of the Quran ! I don't see any valid points raised at all and am just a LAYMAN! Your just repeating things like a parrot. Come up with something original. Stay away from this field of work and go play with your playstation Aakhi.
May Allah preserve the likes of Mufti Menk for many years to come. Ameen
May God forgive you, and forgive us all. Even by writing pages a bout someone to harm him, you will reach nothing only by the will of Allah.
ReplyDeleteMay God forgive you, and forgive us all. Even by writing pages a bout someone to harm him, you will reach nothing only by the will of Allah.
ReplyDeleteAmeen ameen
DeleteMay Allah guide you to the right path. I view Mufti Menk as a person who has a very good nature and character. His answers are always compassionate and logical and he always refers to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Talking bad about him doesn't make you better than him.
ReplyDeleteMay Allah guide you to the right path. I view Mufti Menk as a person who has a very good nature and character. His answers are always compassionate and logical and he always refers to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Talking bad about him doesn't make you better than him.
ReplyDeleteMufti Menk is teh best and your not :p
ReplyDeleteyou spend so much time and energy to accuse someone of something incorrect.. astaghfirullah..
ReplyDeleteand you calling him "JAHIL MUFTI" is you trying to convince others that you are right and he is wrong?? astaghfirullah.. astaghfirullah..
please ask ALLAH for forgiveness and stop accusing others of something that you couldn't understand.. MAY ALLAH show you the righteous path, make you see what's right and what's wrong.. and give you HIDAYAH.. AMEEN..
ReplyDeleteAs muslims, we do not slander one another but always try to help one another onto the siraatul mustaqeem. Have you people forgot the word and teachings of Rasullulah (SAW) I know MUFTI ISMAIL MENK has become much sought after just by his teachings and knowledge of Islam. So where are the rest of you with so much horrible things to say about YOUR MUSLIM BROTHER. FOLLOW QURAAN AND SUNNAH - words of OUR prophet. FEAR ALLAH and LOVE HIS Rasool (SAW)
I think everyone should keep to their salaah 5x a day and make duaa that Allah saves us and guides us and if there is any misconception, go to AL QURAN.
AND BTW, WHEN THE PROPHET FORGAVE ALL HIS ENEMIES WHEN HE CONQUERED MAKKAH, WHY CAN'T WE FOLLOW THAT SUNNAH AND REMEMBER THAT ALLAH WILL ALWAYS KNOW BEST. And go get the qualifications to speak otherwise, instead of harbouring so much hate(which is against islam)
Allah also says, do not slander another religion so that they may not slander Me. Yet we slander each other over our supposedly most beloved. I wish we could all read quraan and salaah for as much time as we sit on the internet and speak things, start fights which we as SLAVES have no right. May Allah protect us all. InshaAllah ameen.
Is this article about Mufti Menk from another planet? Utter nonsense. The writer freely slandering the mufti like nobody business. I don't think sufism allow slander.
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha The most Funny article because it ends with "Sufi Way"
ReplyDeleteLakum deenakum Waliya Deen.
May Allah Azza Wa Jal Bless Mufti Menk and Guide These people to the straight path.
Menk calls Himself "Muslim" and the person slandering him calls himself "Sufi"
May Allah bless you for this reply
DeleteMay Allah bless you for this reply
Deletethis not a good habit to find a fault to other but this is good to solve each other........
ReplyDeleteDid i just see this misguided Blogger post something that is talking about him in the meaning he used it?
ReplyDelete"The Prophet (SAW) said: "What I fear most for you, is a man who reads the Qur'an until such time when the blessing of Qur'an is reflected on him and he takes Islam as his Cloak ... he then turns around and strips himself off from Islam and then tosses it away behind his back, then he heads quickly towards his neighbour with his sword unsheathed and he calls him a 'Mushrik'"
This is ehat what you are doing!
You are The attacker snd claim someone is not muslim.
And just to be clear. Dont use kafir techniques on our hadiths.
This hadith has nothing to do with what you said or used it.
Its talking about People praying and are The best Muslims Only when they are in public.
But when noone sees them but Allah they dont pray. Break their fast or you know make shirk though reading tea leaves and stars and what not.
Dont mislead People.
And yes you can respect someone to the degree you become mushrik. Thats why zlatan and so on are called IDOLS. no one says they worship them. But they say " i respect them so much"
Mufti is clearly making a point where the respect has become to the degree it bacame shirk. As todays idols are human beings singing dancing and playing Sports.
But you jumped at the pointing finger train even though you quoted
"O, Prophet of Allah! Who is more worthy of being called a Mushrik the one being attacked or the attacker". Prophet replied, "It is indeed the attacker." (Hadith narrated by "Abu-Yaa'li" on the authority of "Huzaifah)
Do you even look at your actions and understand the ahadiths you quote.
Because if i were to quote that and im attacking someone and calling him jahil and non muslim.
I would stop instantly. Otherwise i would be stupid and ignorant
In response to unknown:Your meaning how respecting someone in excess is shirk is baseless,uneducated and rubbish, how can overdoing something good becomes shirk due to overdoing it the act of doing some is either Halal or Haram there is no in between.Sahabas went to the most extreme in respect of the Holy Prophet (SAW) whenever the Holy Prophet (saw)spat the Sahabas would rush to collect it and would then rub their hands on their faces and bodies and they would do the same when he (SAW)WAS doing ablution they would collect the water and rub it on themselves, they would sit silently, they would not stare at his face whenever he was speaking.The sahabas had such extreme respect for him up to the point they wouldn't even allow his saliva to fall on the floor they would collect it in their hands and rub it on themselves, come on then I dare you to call ther actions as shirk.Your quote about those who read the Qur'an but it doesn't go beyond their throats apply to your jahil Mufti.A man who calls the Holy Prophet (SAW) illiterate but calls himself a mufti being disrespectful to the Holy Prophet (SAW) he rejected many words of allh Almighty using humiliating and insulting language, he doubts the information given by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and describes it as if's and but's a man who is not on the right path cannot bring others on the right path the more I look at him the more he disgusts me and the more I seek protection from Allah Almighty.You asked me if I look at my action, of course I do I am defending the honour and character ofthe Holy Prophet (SAW) I take responsibility in fronf Allah A lmighty for my words.I suggest you take a look at yourself how much knowledge do you have about Islam? How much do you follow?When the HolyProphet(SAW) is being insulted you take a passive approach but you don't hesitate to condemn me. You seem a confused and ignorant individual I suggest you educate yourself before you post any comment that are misguided,unethical,biase, lies and lack of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteMenk is surely a student of 😈 Devil, and he will teach the teachings of his Teacher that is 😈 DEVIL
ReplyDeleteA muslim is the brother of abother muslim. Do not speak I'll of him and help him. Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Allah speaks about ni'ma in the Holy Qur'an. Do not do the opposite of ni'ma. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam. We do not slander our own kind. We should not create disunity within our own religion. If we create disunity between us then what will be our case? We should not argue about this. We should not spread hate. If Mufti Menk is right or wrong it is for Allah to judge and for the Muslims who believe he is wrong to adress him personally. To hide a sin of a muslim means Allah will hide your sin. How quick arw we to forget that every action of ours will be taken into account? That we are one brotherhood. That we should love each other for Allah's sake and fear His wrath. If for example, on the day of Qiyamah, Allah declares Mufti innocent, what will be our state? And if he is proven guilty then Allah will punish him, but again, Allah alone is the Judge. We are not without sin.
ReplyDeleteVolume 9, Book 85, Number 83:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. So he should neither oppress him nor hand him over to an oppressor. And whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs."
Let us not be disunited because of our differences in opinion, ways and traditions. Let us not forget we share one shahaadah and follow one Prophet. (Pbuh) There are more sectors in Christianity, Hinduism and many other religions but you don't see them spreading hatred. Let Allah deal with His servants and let us practice sabr and kindness as we were taught. Allahu A'la wa Aalam. As salaamu alaikum warahmatullah.
I have heard lots of lectures of this Pious Man and nowhere any time I have felt that he is misguiding nor he is speaking anythig against Prophet S.A.W. People are just quoting his words out of context for some personal 2 minutes of fame identity.
ReplyDeleteHe is wise enough to understand that even this blog is a kind of Fitnah (trial and tribulations) against him and he is having sabr (patience) which is even one of the great virtues of Islam.
May Allah guide us ALL.
DeleteGreat piece of work..if people believe in Allah why do u need mufti menk to boost ur imaam.why do not you ask Allah for true and honest hidaya to what is the truth amongst all the debate that happens between the ulema of today and walahi I promise go to Allah with a clean heart and Allah will give u guidance as to what is the truth.When I say seek I obviously speaking from my experience even I was lost and confused but Alhumdulillah I seek and I found my answer during this our prophet Mohammed(peace be upon him) is exhalted.
ReplyDeleteSeen a pic of that Al wahab guy and he freaks me out
ReplyDeleteWhy are we so petty The Ummah is under attack and here we are attacking and slandering our imams.Start with the Jihad from within and try to build unity in this ummah.These debates should be done in a way where everyone has a clear understanding firstly of the English language and how interpretation of one word in a sentence can be taken out of context. We all love Allah and try to follow the teachings of our Prophet Mughammad Peace and Blessings be upon him and his family.So where is it...I shall love you for Allah's kindness unity brotherly love.settle your differences amicably
ReplyDeletethis post is very useful for me. lot of thanks sharing this post.
priya arora
Yes you sound pretty sick.. May Allah cure you.😊
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMufti Menk is a Hanafi. He studied under his Hanafi father, studied the 4 schools at Madinah University, and then went to a Hanafi madrassah(Darul Uloom Kantaria) to complete his Iftaa course.
ReplyDeleteYes mufti menk did study with his father,he also studied in Madinah but he then studied with the Deobandi,the Ulamas of Deobandi is a corrupt group founded by Rashin Ahmad Gangohi,Muhammad yaqub Nanautawi,Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi and Shah Waliullah Dehlawi.These misguided worst of human beings has given some disgusting fatwas regarding our Bloved Prophet(saw)mufti menk has studied with them and he in turn is spreading thir poison everywhere.This disrespectful wrech mufti menk who does not have the honour and respect for the Holy Prophet(SAW)will never obtain guidance.
Deletebarelvhi block.
ReplyDeleteTHIS ARTICLE IS A CLEAR REPRESENTATION OF WHY YOU ARE NOT A MUFTI AND HE IS!!!!! You target your Muslim brother as a liar instead of asking for expalation for your misunderstandings. You then accuse him by translating every single phrase based on how you thought you understood it. May Allah guide you to the straight path InshaAllah. Sit down and reflect on who you are. Read more and educate yourself more instead of creating ungrounded lies with no intention of spreading truth rather picking on a respected leader!!
ReplyDeleteDear sufi bro/sis,if you think he is wrong contact him personally,don't make these type of posts. Muslim should correct mistakes of other muslims though I don't see any mistakes of him.If he said that we should not show too much respect to anyone even prophet (saw) like the christians,I agree with him.We pray for Allah.Dua is an act of worship.We should make Dua to Allah directly.He will listen to our duas.